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The 2012 Chief Procurement Officer Summit Post-Event Webinar (Aberdeen)
Thursday, December 13, 2012, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
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The annual Chief Procurement Officer (CPO) Summit has been, for eight years, the preeminent gathering for procurement professionals to network and learn best practices from top-tier spend management executives. Join Aberdeen research director Christopher J. Dwyer for a complimentary webinar that will recap the major findings from the 2012 CPO Summit and detail the various strategies currently leveraged by Best-in-Class procurement executives to drive true corporate value.

During the webcast, Dwyer will also highlight:

  • The necessary strategies for procurement executives to drive value in 2013 (and beyond)
  • The growing importance of robust supply risk management strategies
  • The (many) forms of procurement transformation, and;
  • The four major items that must be on the CPO's Agenda for the future.

