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ISM's 5th Annual Women Executive Supply Management Summit (WESMS)
From Tuesday, February 05, 2013 -  08:00am
To Thursday, February 07, 2013 - 05:00pm

The ISM Women Executive Supply Management Summit is at the same time and location as the Black Executive Supply Management Summit. Each summit has its own set of workshops, but general sessions are together. This gives you the added benefit of networking time with your colleagues attending the other summits. You are welcome to attend any of the concurrent sessions.

This program is presented for women executives, their direct reports and those interested in building their career in supply management. Supply management professionals from all industries and organizations benefit from these sessions. If you have a passion for supply management and want to network and learn from those sharing your interest, you won't want to miss this program.

In principle and in practice, ISM values and seeks a diverse membership, volunteer leadership and staff. There are no barriers to full participation in the Institute on the basis of ethnic background, gender, creed, age, sexual orientation, national origin or disability.

