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Learn Why Best-in-Class Companies are Leveraging Recruitment Process Outsourcing (Outsourcing Institute)
Wednesday, September 18, 2013, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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In today’s business environment, companies face striking challenges in managing their workforce. Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) has evolved into a critical strategy for market leadership, helping companies meet the unique demands of a global economy. The top players offer a powerful toolkit to their customers, including a keen grasp of client needs, impeccable solution delivery, outstanding value for fees, as well as general all-around service capabilities.
In this timely webinar, our expert speakers will explore this fast-growing trend, examining the criteria companies need to evaluate RPO suppliers and providing sound advice from their own RPO experience. The webinar will cover:

• Industry drivers forging the shift to RPO
• Strategic reasons “best-in-class” are leveraging RPO
• Warning signs that RPO is needed
• Metrics/data available to executives considering outsourcing
• Panduit Customer Case Study profiling their successes in leveraging RPO

Featured Expert Speakers:
Larry Heckathorn, Sr. Advisor, Outsourcing Institute
Ray Rike, COO,  Accolo, Inc.
Mark Baudler, Sr. Manager HR Shared Services, Panduit Corp

To further assist companies in their analysis, the webinar will also provide the results of the first annual client satisfaction survey of RPO providers conducted by the The Outsourcing Institute (OI), in association with Human Resource Executive (HRE) Magazine and the International Quality & Productivity Center (IQPC) conference.

