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Improving Supplier Risk Management in the Age of Big Data (IASTA)
Thursday, February 13, 2014, 11:00am - 12:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Too much information is a common struggle in modern life, both personally and professionally. In fact, Gartner predicts that enterprise data will grow 650 percent in the next five years, while IDC argues that world’s information now doubles every year and half. Trying to get a handle on this information and knowing the best elements to create intelligence is one of the biggest challenges facing executives today. And Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) are no exception.

Creating actionable and predictive insights on your suppliers requires the ability to easily establish relevance and importance in the context of your supply base. Essential to this approach is considering the proper use of content and design for effectively managing corporate objectives like supplier risk. To get a handle on managing the information dilemma, join our distinguished panel of supply management experts for a webinar on Thursday, February 13th at 11:00AM EST.  

During our Q&A forum, our webinar panelists will address the challenges organizations continue to face in managing the “Big Data” discord and address approaches for improving your supplier risk management objectives in 2014.

Our panelists include:
     - Edda Rottscheidt, Director Market Planning - Supplier Risk Management, LexisNexis
     - Rose Kelly-Falls, Senior VP Supply Chain Risk, Rapid Ratings
     - Nick Adams, VP RTI Solutions, Rage Frameworks
     - David Bush, CEO, IASTA

