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Preparing for Hurricane Season: Forecasts, Planning & Case Studies (Preparis)
Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hurricane season can significantly impact the continuity of operations for a range of businesses - from retail to law and financial services firms - across the U.S.  Planning, training and testing your Business Continuity program in advance is key to ensuring your organization can successfully weather the storms.

Join Preparis and guest Mike Smith, Chief Innovation Officer for AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions, for an expert discussion on:
- The 2014 hurricane forecast models
- Key elements of preparing your business for the upcoming season
- Best practices and cases studies from recent hurricanes including Superstorm Sandy
- Q&A

All registrants will receive a post-event link to the recorded session, plus our "Business Continuity Throughout Superstorm Sandy" case study.

