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Using technology to deliver improved supplier performance (IACCM)
Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 11:00am - 12:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

How do you measure how well your suppliers are performing, and how can you track this over time? 

There are many technology systems available that will promise to revolutionize how you manage your supplier relationships and give you previously unseen insights. However the major reason that many of these systems fail to deliver their promise is the way the technology is implemented, bolted on to current practices, not being the catalyst for change that they should be.

The result is that your investment doesn’t deliver the improvement in performance that you wanted. The integration of your systems - technology, processes and people - are the key to transformation.

This session will highlight how technology can illuminate the totality of your supplier spend, facilitate a deeper understanding of your supply base and how this knowledge can be used to develop effective strategies and, critically, how to ensure that it is implemented successfully.

