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Driving supply chain sustainability through industry collaboration (Procurement Leaders)
Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 10:00am - 11:00am
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In this webinar Bayer MaterialScience’s CPO, Thomas Udesen and EcoVadis’ Co-President, Pierre-Francois Thaler will explain how a collaborative initiative between 8 leading chemicals companies is driving sustainable sourcing practices throughout the chemical value chain. The presenters will be covering the following topics during their presentation and subsequent Q&A session;

  • Why is sustainable sourcing of strategic importance to Bayer?
  • How is Bayer integrating CSR criteria into the sourcing processes and tools?
  • Which challenges led to the founding of Together for Sustainability (TfS)
  • How was the TfS initiative set up and what are the objectives?
  • Which tools have been developed, including supplier monitoring through the EcoVadis scorecards, and a global on-site audit program?
  • How was TfS able to quickly scale up, engaging over 2000 suppliers in assessments and audits in the initial 18 months pilot?
  • What were the challenges and next steps for the TfS initiative?
  • What are other companies doing for sustainable sourcing?

