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Become a Procurement Change Agent (IASTA)
Tuesday, May 13, 2014, 10:00am - 11:00am
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As a modern procurement pro, you must be prepared to become an “agent for change” in areas that go far beyond just cost management. Creating operational efficiencies, managing supply-based risks, and promoting sustainability are just some examples of where procurement is expanding.
Iasta has partnered with our European consulting partner, Efficio, to develop a global procurement survey studying what exactly it means to become a change agent. The survey results are in – and our early analysis tells us that becoming a change agent starts with making changes to those under-performing areas in procurement:
- Lack of support from executives / business stakeholders is considered the biggest hindrance to advancing sourcing/procurement capabilities
- 52% of respondents noted improving analytics would help procurement best achieve its objectives in the future
- Sustainability just does not seem to be on the agenda – more than 50% of respondents noted they do not even track supplier sustainability practices
- Supplier management is a laggard in terms of technology being used, but leads the way for the technology area currently being assessed