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An effective purchase authorisation process ensures compliance with established approval policies to avoid unnecessary or inappropriate purchases. Performed online, this process is faster and more transparent for employees, provides managers with greater budget control and increases ‘cost pipeline’ visibility for financial management.
But many organisations find themselves caught between the need for both control and efficiency. When the purchase process is unstructured or lacks controls, purchases are often made without proper authorisation and no one really knows what is being bought over time. On the other hand, if the authorisation process becomes too cumbersome in an attempt to control it, critical purchases are often delayed and frustrated employees find more ways to make purchases outside the system. At either extreme, the organisation loses.
Join us for this webinar where we discuss why tackling Purchase Authorisation is a ‘no-brainer’ and detail a highly structured, efficient, and cost effective process to:
• Categorise and prioritise purchase categories for the pre-authorisation process
• Establish your standardised approach
• Educate stakeholders on new purchase and authorisation procedures
• Launch purchase authorisation portion of P2P system
The benefits of an effective online purchase authorisation process not only include significant cashable savings but strategic benefits such as:
• Greatly increased financial control and visibility
• Improved budget management
• Increased workforce morale and productivity
• Reduced risk of supplier non-performance and non-compliance
• Greatly improved data for spend analysis