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Top Drivers in Source to Pay Transformation: 3 Keys to Quicker Time to Value (IASTA, Verian)
Thursday, May 29, 2014, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
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The Source-to-Pay cycle in mid- to large-sized enterprises encompasses diverse teams with unique application requirements.   As these enterprises embark on the automation journey, they are faced with a variety of solutions, from niche tools to best-of-breed solutions to monolithic enterprise platforms.  Understanding the tradeoffs is key to realizing ROI in an acceptable timeframe, while enabling the path to strategic financial management.  

What emerges from the industry research are 3 key best practices that ensure you can deliver ROI to your organization that is truly transformational.  Join us for this lively debate among long-time industry veterans to learn these 3 key truths, and their impact on the flexibility of specialized platforms including:

• Time to Value
• Compliance
• User Adoption
• Optimal Rollout Sequencing
• Success Metrics that Matter

Participate through our interactive Q&A session, and ask those nagging questions no one seems to answer.  These experts have seen it all, and share their war stories so you can be prepared.

Your Expert Panelists:
• Tommy Benston, Client Executive & Director of Business Partnerships, Verian
• Constantine Limberakis, Director of Sales & Marketing Enablement, IASTA
• Hadi Chemaly, Senior Product Strategist, Verian

