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Mentoring, Sponsorship, & Quotas: What are their relative merits in bringing more women into supply chain management? (Kinaxis)
Thursday, June 05, 2014, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There is a consensus that since women constitute over half of the workforce but just 10% of top supply chain executive positions in Fortune Global 500 companies that something needs to be done to address this imbalance. While a great deal of attention gets placed on the ‘glass ceiling’ concept, there are a lot of women who face barriers and discrimination at mid and entry level positions too. There is a clear social responsibility need and this panel will focus on the practical advantages to having more women in supply chain including:
- Do women and men make decisions differently? If so, why does this matter to supply chain?
- Has supply chain become more relevant to women as a career option?
- What does a career path look like for women in supply chain?