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Supplier Collaboration in Strategic Sourcing: an Oxymoron? (Directworks, Spend Matters)
Wednesday, July 16, 2014, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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When it comes to direct materials, is your sourcing team able to be truly collaborative with suppliers?

"Supplier collaboration” sounds great, but how can you create mutual value when material cost reductions are still needed? The search for "value beyond cost" requires joint understanding and interaction. Perhaps it's time to stop playing games and engage suppliers proactively across the process lifecycle in a more seamless fashion that reduces friction and value destruction.

But how do you proceed?

In this webinar, manufacturers will learn proven practices for:

- Identifying business drivers for investing in supplier collaboration
- Leading supplier collaboration through strategic sourcing
- Engaging with existing and new suppliers to drive value based activities
- Avoiding pitfalls that derail supplier collaboration programs

Join Pierre Mitchell (Chief Research Officer, Spend Matters) and Stacy Leidwinger (Director of Product Management, Directworks) as they share some strategies and tactics that some progressive manufacturers have pursued with suppliers to create and harvest joint value in their supply chains.

