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How can today’s business decision-makers better manage the issues and choices they face every day to achieve optimal business value? In this webinar, Xerox will share how it has adapted its widely recognized research and development capabilities to benefit our business services clients. Participants will discover how Xerox operationalizes innovation to help clients achieve breakthrough business results.
This intriguing discussion will help executives simplify work and processes across the business spectrum, including such areas as customer management, outsourcing relationships, information management, financial services and accounting. You will develop specific techniques to help you continue to increase competiveness while dealing with everyday workplace processes and problems. Our expert guest speakers will focus on the following topics:
“Retooling Xerox R&D for Services Innovation”
“Operationalizing Breakthrough Business Services Innovation”
Discover how these simple steps to improving work processes will make a significant improvement in your business results.
Featured Expert Speakers:
Sophie Vanderbroeck, Xerox Chief Technology Officer and President, Innovation Group
R.G. Conlee, Xerox Services, Chief Innovation Officer
Thomas Young, Executive Board Member, The Outsourcing Institute