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The Top 3 Ways to Drive ROI in Purchase-to-Pay Automation Webinar (Verian)
Thursday, August 21, 2014, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Every business wants visibility and control over indirect spend. That’s why automating the purchase-to-pay process (P2P) continues to be the trend. This is especially true for big companies with a lot of buyers in multiple locations.

The benefits of P2P automation are obvious:

  • Visibility into spend across all locations
  • Accurate and timely tracking of accruals and budgets
  • Simple processes for everyone to purchase off of contracts
  • Tracking purchased assets such as software licenses, warranties and service agreements

But automating your P2P process means nothing without results. That’s why figuring out how to drive the ROI of your P2P system should be a priority. So how are you going to make sure you get hard line savings from your P2P system? Today there are three methods that drive the best ROI results from your P2P system. These methods include:

  • Streamlining Tactical Process
  • Increasing the Strategic Orientation of P2P function
  • Transforming Strategic Procurement

Attend this webinar on August 21st at 2PM and get a front row seat to learn what these methods are and the details you need to make them happen. You’ll hear P2P Automation expert Matt Weider explain the best practices for any company that wants the get the most out of their P2P system.

