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Creating Leverage From Lethargic Systems (Spend Matters, Cap Gemini)
Thursday, September 04, 2014, 09:00am - 10:00am
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Why many eProcurement projects fail … and what you can do about it

Many eProcurement projects fail to hit even conservative ROI estimates due to low usage and technology adoption. Despite making heavy investments in procurement initiatives, many CPOs find themselves stuck with low contract compliance, spend visibility and capture – driving equally low automation rates and poor levels of organizational productivity. Does this mean you have to start all over again?

Absolutely not…

We took the initiative to dig deeper into these topics, and we are now sharing the outcome with a broader audience for the first time in a brand new white paper by Jason Busch, Founder and Group Managing Director of Spend Matters, and Regine Böhm-Gams, Director of P2P product management at Capgemini BPO.

Jason and Regine will host an “ask the expert” webinar series, where you can join them for a direct conversation and have your questions answered live. Find out how you can transform your operations into a world-class performing function, meeting and exceeding KPIs that are on par with industry best practices.

