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eInvoicing: How to Take More Time & Expense Out of Invoice Processing (Proactis)
Thursday, September 25, 2014, 10:00am - 10:45am
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

When invoices are received electronically, there is no need to allocate AP resources to open mail, collect faxes or print emailed PDFs to gather the day’s invoices. And with electronic invoices, no manual keying of information is required. This significantly reduces the daily workload in AP.

But, many organisations are unsure how to move the majority of their suppliers to submission of electronic invoices.

There is no ‘one size fits all’ approach. In this webinar, we will look at the different methods organisations can adopt to transition suppliers to eInvoicing:

- A multi-method framework for receiving electronic invoices, including:
•  A document and data capture service that uses OCR technology to turn paper, fax, and PDF invoices into 'ready-to-process' electronic records
• Electronic invoice files for frequent/larger suppliers (e.g. XML, EDI, CSV, etc.)
• Online 'PO Flip' and invoice entry capabilities for infrequent/smaller suppliers

- A cloud-based supplier portal as the hub for electronic trading and communications with your suppliers:
• Invoice file uploads and online invoice entry
• Self-service supplier account status enquiry

We’ll also share case studies on organisations that have successfully implemented eInvoicing, in some cases receiving up to 90% of all invoices electronically.

To find out how to further reduce your AP costs, register for this webinar.

