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The Death of Traditional Catalogs: Realizing Sourcing Savings with Next-Generation Requisitioner Support (Hubwoo, Spend Matters)
Wednesday, October 22, 2014, 11:00am - 12:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If electronic catalogs are the key lynchpin between sourcing and procurement, why haven't they delivered their full potential?

What if catalogs could be used for contract compliance and to guide requisitioners to preferred items…and services!?  

Now, what if the buying experience was 'gamified' to give users incentives to spend less and spend smarter?

You’d be able to improve contract compliance, realized sourcing savings, spend visibility with clean data, higher invoice approval rates, and stakeholder satisfaction.

Attend this webcast, where Pierre Mitchell (Chief Research Officer, Spend Matters) and Xavier Oliver (Spend Matters México y America Latina) will demonstrate how next-generation catalogs are creating more savings, driving them to the bottom line, and creating a "win win" with all stakeholders.

