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Procurement Automation – Key Trends & Hot Topics (PROACTIS)
Thursday, October 23, 2014, 10:00am - 11:00am
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Are you under increasing pressure to raise your game and drive more cost savings and efficiency gains, provide greater clarity into management information and deliver more strategic value to the organisation?

In this webinar, we will examine the hot topics for procurement automation and the fundamental practices and capabilities that form the basis of strong procurement performance.

1. The Changing Face of Procurement
2. End-to-End Procurement - Plugging the Gaps
3. A Growing Focus on 'Know thy Supplier'
4. New Buyer Initiatives to be 'Easy to do Business With'
5. Cloud-Based Procurement is Here to Stay - and for Good Reason
6. Blurring the Line Between Software and Services
7. A New CPO Mantra: Think Strategically, Act Tactically
8. A Growing Recognition of the True Cost of 'Shelfware'
9. A Better Understanding of the Limitations (even Dangers) of "Simple Self-Service Shopping"
10. The Importance and Value of Integration

The gap between best-in-class and other organisations is wide in how technologies are used to support activities ranging from; supplier on-boarding and enablement, sourcing/RFx management, contract and supplier management, compliance and risk management to; the role Procurement need to play in eInvoicing and transaction processes.

We will look at what separates best-in-class organisations from low performers that fall short in these practices. To register your free place, please complete the form below.

