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Cutting through complexity: Measurable value from services procurement (Procurement Leaders, Hubwoo)
Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 10:00am - 11:00am
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Realizing return from services spend – one of the largest and most complex areas of procurement influence  can be frustratingly challenging. Join our webinar to learn from tips to cut through that complexity to measure value.

Benchmarking can be laborious while governance and compliance remain elusive, as stakeholders struggle to pin financial language to the less-tangible contribution of service providers. Whether it’s a project that requires various levels of staffing, or legal services for proceedings that drag on for years, it’s easy to throw lots of bodies at an activity while difficult to track the spend that gives those decisions meaning and consequence.

The presenters will be covering the following topics during their presentation and subsequent Q&A session;

  • How p2p processes and supplier portals can help gain a grasp of maverick services spend
  • What the key steps are to trace spend on services and how to cut through the complexity to get a clear picture
  • The key to greater alignment with budget holders with complex categories
  • Identification of industry-leading benchmarks and how to build a case for increased influence based on tangible metrics

