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The Keys You Need for Acquiring and Managing Talent (SIG Townhall)
Wednesday, February 11, 2015, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Finding and managing talent is one of the most important and most difficult tasks facing today’s leaders, not just in Sourcing and Procurement, but across the enterprise.  To successfully leverage talent to ensure organizational success, leaders must understand the skills and types of people required to support the desired operating model.  They must also find, hire and retain talented people to ensure consistent, long-term success. 

This presentation will focus on:

  • What to look for in the people in the organizationWays to find and hire great talent
    • Types of people and the desired mix of each type
    • How and where high achievers fit
    • Aligning skills to roles
  • Ways to retain and leverage great talent

We will provide tips and tricks and answer questions from the attendees. 

What is a Town Hall Teleconference?

A Town Hall is a lively discussion by way of conference call with a limited number of buy-side SIG members. These open-mic teleconferences offer a secure environment to benchmark with peers and ask candid questions related to the event topic. Open to SIG buy-side members on a first-come first-serve basis, these teleconferences are very interactive and packed with insightful concepts and immediately implementable ideas.We encourage you to discuss and share openly. The success of these calls is directly correlated to the interactivity of those participating.

