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Intelligence is Overrated - What You Really Need to Succeed continued! (IACCM)
Thursday, March 12, 2015, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

'Intelligence is Overrated - What You Really Need to Succeed continued!', this was the title of one of Keld Jensen's most read Forbes articles. Not only was it read by hundreds of thousands worldwide but at the same time it caused an amazing number of reactions!

The article read that intelligence is not the only thing that is important to be successful in life. And there is actually other things that is equally important or perhaps even more important. 

Research shows us that approximately 15% of the reason we are having success is from formal education, experience and intelligence. App. 85% of the reason we are successful is from Human Engineering. Human engineering is how we relate to other people. How we connect to other people, our communication and likeability. Everybody wants success one way or the other. Financial success, success with family. Emotional success, success in sports, music or whatever is the mission in your life. Few people however know exactly what to do to achieve success. Most people are working to try and gain it and even a few are trying to cheat to get it!

In this thought provoking presentation, Keld will discuss the idea of the 'perfect storm' model, and try to explain why some got success and others not. 

But of course it’s not that simple – if it was everybody you know including your self would be incredible successful. This is the reason Keld wrote 'Intelligence is overrated – What You Really Need To Succeed' – published by Motivational Press in the US.

In this webinar, our expert will share his findings from years of research and some insights into what you really need to succeed.

