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Driving Smarter Spending: Advances in Intelligent Purchase to Pay (Verian)
Tuesday, March 24, 2015, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
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What you don’t know is hurting you. From off contract purchases to missed discount opportunities to bottlenecks in the process and the possibility of fraud – wouldn’t it be great if you could easily see potential mishaps like these and prevent them from happening? What if you could also set goals, track performance, and see how you stack up against world-class companies in your industry?


Now you can – if you leverage analytics against your spend data. Visualizing your improvement opportunities and creating efficiencies is becoming a competitive imperative.

Join Verian’s Vice President of Client Advocacy, Tommy Benston, and Tim Murphy, Vice President at Privatin Consulting for an interactive discussion on the evolution of intelligent purchase-to-pay that is helping companies:

  • Make Procurement More Strategic to deliver bottom line savings
  • Forge Lean Purchase to Pay Practices
  • Create Accountability and Mitigate Risk
  • Measure Strategic Transformation

