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Building The Business Case For An ePurchasing Platform (Zycus, Forrester)
Tuesday, March 31, 2015, 01:00am - 02:00am
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Purchasing leaders face a tough battle in 2015 to secure budget for investment in vital ePurchasing software projects. You face an increasing supplier management burden, with growing regulatory compliance demands on top of risk and performance management imperatives and the perennial demand for sourcing savings.

In this webinar, Forrester Research’s Vice President Duncan Jones will explain how to justify funding of your ePurchasing project needs. He’ll suggest how to win backing for horizontal rationalization (e.g. enterprise-wide ePurchasing platforms) instead of vertical rationalization (each division buying ePurchasing, ERP, infrastructure software, etc. all from one provider).  He’ll also discuss important elements of the financial justification beyond merely squeezing suppliers’ margins.

