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Optimizing Your Outsourcing Portfolio: The What & Why of Strategic Sourcing (Neo Group)
Tuesday, April 28, 2015, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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Whether or not to outsource is no longer the big question facing global corporations. That’s because they already source so much. Rather, the key questions that confront them are: “What else can we source?” “Where else can we source from?” “Can we change our sourcing portfolio to derive more benefits?”

Whether you’re a global corporation with a history of sourcing practices or a smaller company newly embarking on a sourcing program, having a disciplined approach to decide what to source (Context) and what to retain in-house (Core) is critical to your success.

Join us for a webinar on Neo Group’s comprehensive Portfolio Assessment Model and how this model can help you make sure your company’s sourcing program is aligned with its long-term goals. Neo Group Partner & SVP, Hemant Puthli, will share insights and experiences on this topic from 25+ years of advising global clients on their outsourcing strategy.

