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Storytelling is a rapidly growing tool used by top executives as a key method of influence and leadership. Top organizations use storytelling to help define culture and values, create a focused vision for the future, and bring about change. Over the years, procurement has seen unprecedented shifts in its role to drive significant value, but—as procurement professionals—are we telling the right story?
Join Alan Veeck, Vice President, Denali Sourcing Services, and Paul Smith, author of the bestselling book, Lead with a Story (http://leadwithastory.com/books/lead-with-a-story-bestseller/), as they delve into the best approach for procurement to tell its unique story. Paul will give an overview of how storytelling works and how to build your storytelling skillset. Alan will focus on what procurement professionals can do today to craft inspirational narratives that not only captivate, but motivate your procurement organization and ultimately drive the desired change.