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How Do We Capture Value Beyond Cost Savings and Truly Make the Shift to More Strategic Supplier Partnerships? (SIG, Vested Way)
Wednesday, May 13, 2015, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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The University of Tennessee has researched the art, science and practice of highly collaborative win-win “Vested” relationships for over a decade. Author and educator Kate Vitasek will share five game changing rules for creating value with strategic supplier relationships with an overview of her research.

SIG members will leave with insights which include:

  • How underlying transaction-based supplier agreements create a structural flaw in the underlying economics of buyer-supplier relationships and inhibit value creation.  
  • The Five Rules of a Vested sourcing business model - and why they work.
  • Lots of time for interactive discussion.

What is a Town Hall Teleconference?

A Town Hall is a lively discussion by way of conference call with a limited number of buy-side SIG members. These open-mic teleconferences offer a secure environment to benchmark with peers and ask candid questions related to the event topic. Open to SIG buy-side members on a first-come first-serve basis, these teleconferences are very interactive and packed with insightful concepts and immediately implementable ideas.We encourage you to discuss and share openly. The success of these calls is directly correlated to the interactivity of those participating.

