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A Primer on Robotic Process Automation (Outsourcing Institute)
Thursday, May 28, 2015, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
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Imagine a world in which the meaning of “work” has been redefined for millions of people. Where our service economy can actually focus on providing services, delivered by a talent pool that is engaged and innovating on such service. In this new world, work would no longer be a “four-letter word” associated with working within repeatable systems and mundane transactional processes. Instead, this other world would have workers who rethink end-to-end processes on a more holistic level with the goal of simultaneously impacting several factors: quality, compliance, functionality, best practices, regulatory functions, customer satisfaction, human error, and the all-important bottom line—all while continuing to create “the next” in the form of remarkable products and services.

Announcing the Robotic Process Automation e-book Launch on May 19, 2015 developed and written by the Institute for Robotic Process Automation in association with Carnegie Mellon University. In this webinar, a panel of experts will be covering these important topics:

1. Beyond Pressing a Button: The Automation of Automation
2. From Transactional to Analytical: The Upsides of Robotic Process Automation
3. The End of Outsourcing? The Call for a New Synergy
4. Welcome to the Future: Robotic Process Automation Is Here to Stay
5. Revving to Go: A Roadmap to RPA Success
6. What to Take Away from RPA

Raheem Hasan, CMO, The Institute for Robotic Process Automation
Frank Casale, Founder & CEO, The Institute for Robotic Process Automation & The Outsourcing Institute
Thomas Young, Executive Board Member, The Outsourcing Institute
Pat Geary, Chief Marketing Officer, blueprism

