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Collaborative Procurement: Using Relationships to Drive Influence and Results (Puridiom, Ardent Partners)
Wednesday, June 17, 2015, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
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In 2015, Chief Procurement Officers (CPOs) are pressured to drive more value from their departments than ever before as they attempt to stretch the limits of their organizations while also maximizing the relationships they have developed with suppliers and internal stakeholders.

Procurement’s ability to impact business processes, relationships, and results will surely continue in the future, but the depth and breadth of that impact will depend on each organization's ability to master its processes and technologies and upon its ability to collaborate with key internal stakeholders and suppliers alike.

This webinar will discuss the key stakeholders that procurement must engage to meet its business objectives and drive increased enterprise value.

Join Puridiom and Ardent Partners’ Andrew Bartolini as they explore the next phase of procurement in the webinar, Collaborative Procurement: Using Relationships to Drive Influence and Results.  This webinar will discuss how to harness collective strengths and drive enterprise value through:

  • Engagement and collaboration with key stakeholders and suppliers, and
  • Maximization of processes and technologies.