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Declaration of the New Purchasing: A Buying Manifesto (Spend Matters, Vroozi)
Thursday, June 18, 2015, 11:00am - 12:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Jason Busch spent the better part of the first few months of the year wracking his brain to distill a lot of ideas – with the input of the Vroozi team – on a new procurement manifesto that speaks to how procurement and procurement technology will change to reflect the world we are living in today.

We wrote a paper on the topic (which you can download here), but thought we'd do a quick-hit follow-up webinar to discuss these points live and also get some audience questions and interaction going.

From wearable tech to the "Internet of Things," join Jason Busch of Spend Matters and Ivy Montgomery of Vroozi as they thoughtfully guide you through their vision on the changing landscape of procurement.

