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Risk...Not Just Your Risk Officer's Job (Sig Town Hall Teleconference)
Wednesday, July 08, 2015, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Let's talk…..having a Risk Officer is great, but that person alone cannot be responsible for identifying and managing all the risk that Sourcing can impact. On top of that, many business units think Sourcing is putting onerous requirements on their suppliers and adding additional hoops to jump through for no reason.

This presentation will discuss:

  • Risk
  • Supplier management
  • Governance and their impact on the entire enterprise

We will talk about what this all means and why it is on the tip of everyone's tongues. We will also share some thoughts on how Sourcing can let the rest of the company know their role in risk management as well as best practices for mitigating those risks.


What is a Town Hall Teleconference?

A Town Hall is a lively discussion by way of conference call with a limited number of buy-side SIG members. These open-mic teleconferences offer a secure environment to benchmark with peers and ask candid questions related to the event topic. Open to SIG buy-side members on a first-come first-serve basis, these teleconferences are very interactive and packed with insightful concepts and immediately implementable ideas.We encourage you to discuss and share openly. The success of these calls is directly correlated to the interactivity of those participating.
