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Quality Management in a Paperless World: The Key to Manufacturing Success (Aberdeen Group)
Thursday, August 20, 2015, 01:00pm - 02:00pm

The impact of poor quality cannot be overstated. Product rework, high amounts of scrap, non-compliance, costly recalls, and customer loyalty are all at stake when it comes to the quality of products. These pressures are driving many manufacturers to question both the efficiency and approach of their current quality system. However, the reality is that most manufacturers rely upon inefficient manual or paper-based systems to manage their quality. As a result, successful companies have eliminated the paper from the shop floor.

Join Reid Paquin, Manufacturing Research Analyst at Aberdeen Group, and Charles Var, VP of Marketing at TrackVia, to examine why Best-in-Class manufacturers have eliminated paper-based systems on their shop floor and the many benefits of this approach.

Attend the webinar to learn:

  • How the evolving manufacturing landscape has caused an increased focus on product quality
  • Why the majority of manufacturers are dissatisfied with their current paper-based quality systems and processes
  • How leading manufacturers have digitized their quality management and the improvements that come from doing so

