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Getting a competitive edge with eSourcing: The Evolution from Savings Focused to Supplier-Centric Strategic Sourcing (Selectica, Ardent Partners)
Thursday, September 10, 2015, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
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As sourcing cycles speed up and the pressure to maximize savings increases, is it time to take your sourcing solutions to the next level?

To meet new market challenges, modern Procurement has moved beyond email, Excel and Word to cutting-edge eSourcing technologies. Today, you can easily aggregate supply information and tap into it to ensure repeatable successes. Sophisticated eSourcing solutions move fast — improving supplier collaboration, identifying new opportunities and maximizing current contracts — so your team becomes a lean, mean, sourcing machine.

Join our webinar with Andrew Bartolini, Ardent Partners Managing Partner and Chief Research Officer, on how eSourcing has evolved into a strategic advantage. Review industry trends and forecasts to learn how sourcing professionals can beat the competition when they embrace a modern “supplier-centric” approach.

During this 60-minute webinar we will:
  • Explain the four primary elements of the modern strategic sourcing process – spend analysis, eSourcing, contract management and supplier management
  • Learn how organizations can optimize cloud technology to blend sourcing, supplier management and spend analytics to advance sourcing efforts
  • Share real-world case study problems, solutions and results
  • Discuss new agile and intelligent strategic sourcing approaches

