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Procurement Savings We Promise You’ve Missed (Spend Matters)
Tuesday, September 29, 2015, 11:00am - 12:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Done spend analysis to drive sourcing and category plans? Great.

Systematically mining invoice and payment data for recovery opportunities? Bravo.

Tracking commodity, currency and other indexes to break out total cost and savings tracking? You’re better than us!

But there’s more. Much more. And many of these opportunities are staring you in the face – if you only knew where (and how) to look.

Consider: there are significant savings opportunities lurking in PO and invoice information flowing back and forth between procurement organizations, accounts payable teams and suppliers.

But unlocking them requires a new way of looking at transactional data. The opportunity will vary by industry, region (and even country) for a variety of reasons we will discuss on this webinar with Tungsten. Our talk will include examples of how to unearth new savings data through live invoice and transactional data ranging from invoice-level data analysis to SKU-level compliance tracking to VAT cross border recovery.

Attendees will learn:
• How to complement traditional spend visibility and audit recovery approaches
• Examples of how big data strategies can work in tandem with brut force (or human assisted) spend analytics and classification
• How to quantify your exact opportunity (based on live data and business case examples)
• The best ways of getting started – on your own or with a supplier network

