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Margin, Risk, and Prices, Oh My! Price Optimization: How Best-in-Class Sales Organizations Win (Aberdeen)
Thursday, October 01, 2015, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Once upon a time, B2B companies determined the price of their goods and services based on little more than keeping an eye on the competition.  That was before the Internet changed everything, giving buyers the data, knowledge, and power needed take control of the sales cycles. As a result, today’s sellers and buyers live in a very different and challenging world, one that Aberdeen understands deeply thanks to its Sales Effectiveness market research.

In this webinar you’ll learn from Aberdeen’s Research VP Peter Ostrow how Best-in-Class companies are taking an innovative and modern approach to selling by using price optimization tools to better understand their market, the competition, and the risks associated with every potential sale. Key takeaways will include:

  • Why salespeople no longer should be frightened of data analytics.
  • Where this new “Chief Revenue Officer” title came from, and what it means for your career.
  • Why Kenny Rogers got it right with “The Gambler” – seriously.

It doesn’t matter whether you manufacture industrial equipment, sell chemicals, or distribute medical devices – the lessons of this research-based webinar will directly impact your top- and bottom lines. If your enterprise is still embedded in the “one price fits all” mindset, it’s time to join your 21st century peers and competitors.  We look forward to seeing you.

