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Mitigating Risk and Maximizing Value between Marketing and Procurement (Procurement Leaders)
Tuesday, October 20, 2015, 09:00am - 10:00am
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The relationship between marketing and procurement has not always been an easy one. Marketing has tended to feel that procurement are penny-pinchers who reign in and stifle their spending. In reality, procurement is there to mitigate risk and maximize value and can do so without causing any problems for marketing.

In this webinar, you will learn how procurement can be more effective and work better with their marketing departments. You will see where there are opportunities for the two to collaborate further and how the relationship between the two functions can be expanded.

Some key talking points will include:

  • Perception vs reality: procurement’s value to marketing
  • Action Items: procurement can work more effectively with marketing
  • KPIs and measurement: measuring success

