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Self-Sourced Talent Pools (SIG, PRO Unlimited)
Thursday, December 03, 2015, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

As the workplace has shifted, companies quickly look outside of their organizations for talent. While this is certainly a vital channel, they often forget the rich repository of workers they can tap as part of a self-sourced talent pool. These workers include everyone from former employees and consultants, to retirees, to internal referrals. 

Neerav Shah, a VP of Client Services at PRO Unlimited, will examine in this Webinar how self-sourced talent pools are an important component in helping companies compete in the global market. Some of the topics Shah will cover include:

- Reasons companies should self-source contingent talent
- Challenges of self-sourcing talent
- Self-sourcing trends per industry and region
- A self-sourcing requirements checklist
- What a self-sourcing model looks like
- Real-world case studies that demonstrate how companies 
are realizing tangible business value from self-sourced 
talent pools

