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Procurement 2016: Big Trends and Predictions (Ardent Partners)
Thursday, January 28, 2016, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The procurement industry is constantly evolving and shifting, forcing supply management professionals across the globe to prepare for change and respond to rapid innovation in supply markets, changing dynamics in both market and regulatory environments, as well as the generally increasing speed of commerce. 2015 saw advances in global interconnectivity, the viability of business networks, the continued rise of “extended” and non-employee labor, and new and exciting platforms that are actively revolutionizing the procurement function.

In 2016, procurement departments, their operations, culture, and systems, the way in which they transform knowledge into strategies and those strategies into performance, must all keep pace. In the age of innovation, procurement agility will define market leadership. So, if you’re a Chief Procurement Officer, sourcing executive, category manager, or other contributor to a procurement operation, the big question is:

Are you ready for 2016?

