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Change Management's Role in Successful Transformation Projects (SIG Townhall)
Wednesday, February 10, 2016, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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Presented by: Clyde Dornier, Senior Vice President and Chief Procurement Officer, The Freeman Company

There are countless examples of well-conceived and designed projects failing because the organizations they were intended to impact were unprepared to embrace the change.  Change Agents charged with driving transformation succeed or fail, not because of the strength of an idea or effort to find a quality solution. They fail because they don’t adequately address the concerns of employees impacted by the change and ensure that they are onboard and engaged throughout the process. Clyde Dornier expressed some of these ideas, based on his experiences in industry and consulting, in his article for the SIG Newsletter, “The Change Agent, Support 'em or Kill 'em.”  This presentation will build on the points made in that article.

In particular, Clyde will discuss:

·         The nature of change and why it can cause problems

·         The ways organizations deal with change

·         The importance of change management in transformation projects

·         Things to consider in the change management plan

·         Lessons learned about change management in the transformation of Procurement functions

This will be an informal presentation, so please come prepared with lots of questions.  We look forward to seeing you on February 10th at 1:00PM EST.


What is a Town Hall Teleconference?

A Town Hall is a lively discussion by way of conference call with a limited number of buy-side SIG members. These open-mic teleconferences offer a secure environment to benchmark with peers and ask candid questions related to the event topic. Open to SIG buy-side members on a first-come first-serve basis, these teleconferences are very interactive and packed with insightful concepts and immediately implementable ideas.We encourage you to discuss and share openly. The success of these calls is directly correlated to the interactivity of those participating.
