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Driving Value from your Sourcing Process (BravoSolution)
Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 11:00am - 12:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The sourcing process sits at the heart of procurement. That means finding the right suppliers, running competitive processes, negotiating and contracting with the chosen suppliers.

In this session we will look at the end to end sourcing process and give a "refresher" overview of the key elements and issues linked to the process. That will include a discussion around using specialised sourcing techniques, such as e-auctions and market-informed sourcing; when might those be appropriate and useful?

We will then focus largely on the key issue of competition, which lies at the heart of successful sourcing, looking at innovative ways that buyers can identify the best range of potential suppliers to achieve strong competition, and then maintain competitive pressure throughout the sourcing process. Too often, organisations give away their competitive position before a final outcome has been agreed, weakening their negotiation position.

We will consider:

  • Category management and strategic sourcing – a refresher
  • Alternative sourcing processes
  • Identifying potential suppliers and creating competition
  • Maintaining competition through the end to end process


