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Untangling your Complex Projects: Challenges & Best Practices in Project Delivery (IACCM)
Tuesday, June 14, 2016, 10:00am - 11:00pm
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Project outcomes are critical to the health of any organization.  And increasingly, the quality of contract management is being recognized as key to good results. With the extremely high profile awareness and attention that complex projects receive today, it seems almost bizarre that so many result in less than satisfactory outcomes. So, what’s going wrong?

There are major challenges in aligning project and contract management – issues of timing, resources, ownership and skills are high on the agenda. Technology tools (or their absence) are also fundamental to performance, supporting greater collaboration, cost control and organizational learning.

What will be covered? 

In this webinar we will discuss the challenges and best practices in project contract management, while also offering participants an insight to ProCon, 8over8’s Contract Risk Management platform, a world leader in supporting successful projects.

