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Digital Reinvention for the Cognitive Era (HfS Research)
Thursday, June 16, 2016, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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Join us June 16nd, 11 AM ET: Experts from HfS Research, IBM and Applied Materials will discuss how to solve for business outcomes through more integrated automation technologies. 

Design Thinking and Intelligent Automation are critical building blocks of any organization's journey toward the As-a-Service Economy. Yet, only by changing the mindset and by understanding as well as articulating the goal of this journey, will organizations be able to reap the benefits. 

Discuss with experts from HfS Research, Applied Materials and IBM their experiences and lessons they have learned. 

Participants will hear about: 
- How IBM has embedded design thinking into our client interactions, enabling both parties to better build out solutions to business problems 
- How companies need to build a foundation that allows them to embrace a move to 'digital' 
- How building this foundation set them on a 'path to cognitive.' 
- How the intelligent automation continuum allows companies to chart a path from 'desktop macros' through to RPA, Automation and Cognitive 
- How each company's data maturity will dictate where it steps onto the path and how their journey then progresses.

