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Managing Supplier Risk in Today’s Global Economy (Directworks, Rapid Ratings)
Wednesday, June 29, 2016, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The new global economy is creating complexity within supply chains as discrete manufacturers find themselves dealing with suppliers from across the globe making supplier risk and product disruption harder to manage.

A significant concern among manufacturers today is how to maintain secure and efficient supply chains that keep pace with innovation, protect against internal and external threats, and balance the complexities of a global economy.

As manufacturers across all industries now realize, in order to gain competitive advantage they must make risk management a top priority.  Those that have a formal supplier risk management strategy are able to avoid disruptions and build resilient supply chains.

This 60-minute webinar will help manufacturers understand the types of risks that can impact the supply chain.  Learn how to leverage technology and analytics to effectively:

Reduce the risk of supply chain disruption

Assess and manage supplier compliance

Protect your brand reputation by building resilient supply chains

