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Supplier Network: A Guide to Getting Started with Electronic Commerce (Proactis)
Thursday, July 21, 2016, 10:00am - 10:45pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Forward-thinking organisations across all private and public sectors are increasingly moving to leverage the power of the cloud to connect with suppliers in ways that remove time, cost and risk for both parties every-day.

Finance and Procurement executives want to replace slow, expensive and inconsistent manual communication methods with fast, low-cost, electronic methods that help reduce the cost of their purchasing and payment processes while at the same time helping their supplier base reduce costs.

Join us for this webinar, where we share strategies and insight for digitising your supplier network.

Specifically, we will address:

  • The business case for your supplier network, including the impact of electronic transactions, and the added impact of improved supplier information and streamlined interaction
  • The deployment and supplier on-boarding process, including how to define success, communicate to internal stakeholders, and achieve a greater percentage of suppliers participating in YOUR network
  • How to execute and measure success

