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Creating a Responsive Supply Chain Using Predictive Analytics and Digital Technology (SCBrain)
Tuesday, July 26, 2016, 01:30pm - 02:30pm
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You have just spent months and possibly millions re-building the front-end of your operations to ease customer interaction and ordering. But are you really done? Have you given the same thought to your supply chain so it can handle everything from adhoc requests to bulk orders? How responsive are you to competitive threats?  A combination of analytics and the right digital capabilities is critical to building  agile and  predictable supply chains, turning them into a competitive weapon that can return a double digit improvement in forecast accuracy.

Join Panasonic’s John McNenney (Director S&OP), Matthew T Pontelandolfo (Senior Manager Supply Chain Process Improvement), and Mantej Randhawa (Global Leader, Supply Chain Analytics at Genpact) to talk through practical solutions that forward-looking organizations are using to create future-ready, responsive supply chains.

This session will help you learn:

1. What are the various supply chain KPIs one needs to keep an view to forecast demand, simulate inventory and control for seasonality and competition?
2. How can we use the reporting and analytics to have an integrated business plan?
3. How can analytics and digital technologies connect various elements of the supply chain so that leaders can quickly recognize the impact of business and competitive strategies?

