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Procurement 2020: A Strategy Checklist for the Decade Ahead (Ardent Partners, Basware)
Thursday, August 18, 2016, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The strategies, ideas, and approaches that have come to codify procurement best practices over the last decade remain as relevant and important as when they were first established. In point of fact, a majority of procurement organizations have not fully adopted them. Nonetheless, the context of what procurement can do for the enterprise has changed. Globalization and the ongoing advances in technology and communication have created extraordinary opportunities for CPOs and their departments.

As we approach the next decade, executives will continue to need more from their procurement operations. The procurement teams that adeptly connect their tools, resources, and expertise to support the evolving needs of the business will succeed above all others. Join Andrew Bartolini, Chief Research Officer at Ardent Partners on a webinar designed to help CPOs and other procurement leaders prepare their teams for the decade ahead by presenting a strategy checklist that will help prioritize and focus resources and attention on the key drivers of success in 2020 and beyond.

