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A Roadmap for Improving Your Procurement Strategy (SIG, BravoSolution)
Tuesday, September 13, 2016, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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Having a complete command of your procurement strategy across all products and services can be the difference between run of the mill outcomes and differentiated best in class results for your organization. It all starts with having a comprehensive and complete understanding of your organization’s spend. Additionally, gaining an understanding of how to maximize the value of your supplier relationships and you are well on your way to engineering better procurement outcomes.  

During this webinar, Kristian O’Meara, SVP Value Engineering at BravoSolution, will discuss a category segmentation approach that can be used to assess and slot your categories using two factors. The first axis is the risk that is present within the categories and the second is the impact that sourcing the categories efficiently and effectively can provide for your company’s bottom line result. Once the categories are segmented we will discuss the approaches that best in class procurement departments are using to drive results. The final step is prioritizing category execution order and tracking your strategies to value realization!

