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Blockchain New Capabilities for Digital Transformation (ASUG)
Wednesday, September 21, 2016, 10:00am - 11:00am
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Don Tapscott, best selling author, most recently Blockchain Revolution:  How the Technology Behind Bitcoin is changing Business, Money the World.

Blockchain will impact all industries, not just financial services.  The technology likely to have the greatest impact on the enterprise and the global economy has arrived, and it’s not the social web, big data, the cloud or even artificial intelligence. It’s the Blockchain. The first generation of the digital revolution brought us the Internet of information. The second generation-powered by blockchain technology-is bringing us the Internet of value: a new, distributed platform that can help us reshape the world of business and transform the old order of human affairs for the better.

Don Tapscott argues that blockchain technology will transform financial services, but also the deep architecture of the corporation, animate the internet of things, recast the role of government, and our content industries, among others.  New blockchain-based business models will transform most industries and disruptors like Uber may well be next in line for disruption.  The second era of the internet has profound implications for technology strategy, architecture, and leadership.  

Learn what blockchain is and how it may impact your industry.

