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It is widely known that high employee engagement is good for business. Not so widely known is how to make it happen.
Some organizations try to build engagement through such perks as gourmet meals or “karaoke Fridays.” Such activities might boost short-term workplace happiness, but they fail to have any lasting effect on talent retention or performance.
Paul J. Zak’s research has found that the key to employee engagement is building a culture of trust.
About a decade ago, Zak—a professor of economics, psychology, and management at Claremont Graduate University—began measuring people’s brain activity while they worked, hoping to get a read on how company culture affects performance. His neuroscience experiments revealed eight key management behaviors that foster trust within organizations, often resulting in higher productivity, increased energy, better collaboration, and greater employee loyalty, among other benefits.
On December 5, 2016, in an interactive Harvard Business Review webinar, Zak will share insights from his research and provide practical ways that managers and organizations can build a culture of trust, increase employee engagement, and realize improved business results.