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WEBINAR: Making Analytics Operational: Governed Insight Embedded at the Point of Impact (Aberdeen Group, Pentaho)
Tuesday, January 24, 2017, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
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How can your business ensure that it’s utilizing the right data, and that the data is available at a decision point that can influence organizational growth? Today’s top companies maximize the impact of analytics by ensuring the right data is analytics-ready and available to the business users within their existing workflows and processes.

Join Aberdeen V.P. Mike Lock and Jeanne Ngo, Product Marketing Manager at Pentaho, as they discuss how empowering users with analytics in context can deliver tangible results. The webinar will explore recent research findings and real world examples related to:

  • Key strategies to deliver and exploit analytics in context

  • Top data challenges driving the urgency for better analytics

  • How companies employ an embedded approach to operationalize and contextualize analytics

  • Quantifiable impact of operationalizing analytics, including cross-sell/up-sell opportunity as well as profit growth

