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WEBINAR: Designing the Procurement Virtual Factory - Reinventing Procurement through a Platform (Determine, Spend Matters)
Wednesday, February 22, 2017, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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Tesla Motors’ CEO Elon Musk says that one of Tesla’s core competencies now is looking at building the machine that makes the machine. He expects 10x gains in productivity, not by focusing on improvements of the car, but on how to make it: the factory platform itself.

Procurement organizations can use this same platform-inspired approach to go beyond achieving savings from just spend management. By building a virtual “factory,” they can deliver savings and innovation by managing complexity while adding broader economic value across the entire procurement chain. And do it at current resource levels.

Join Pierre Mitchell of Spend Matters and Julien Nadaud, Chief Product Officer at Determine as they discuss and debate emerging platform trends and technologies, including:
  • How “platform design” approaches can industrialize Procurement services to deliver more value at scale (in the face of complexity and constraints)
  • How to apply “mass customization” techniques to category management, contract management, and P2P - without custom software
  • Applying consumerized B2C innovations to B2B procurement processes, including user-centered design and predictive analytics to “guide” better sourcing and buying
  • How to modularize your processes and systems to get integration AND flexibility (i.e., make Procurement, IT, suppliers AND requisitioners happy!)
  • Evolving information - and not just processes. The journey from documents and data to knowledge and “intelligence” requires new approaches and tools

During the webinar we’ll specifically hone in on the digital requirements to support these new approaches and how technology firms are trying to cope with a new mandate.

